Getting Involved

Start Smart Stay Safe (S4) allows school communities and police officers to work together in supporting and developing resilience in children and their families.

The Calgary Police Service (CPS) recognizes the evidence and research that supports the positive outcomes of investing in children early.  S4 provides an opportunity for police, teachers, and families to work together in developing children’s skills, abilities, and competencies they need to get through challenges they face.  Building these skills early in life provides positive outcomes for children as they grow up.  CPS believes this early investment of time and building relationships in meaningful ways with children and their families will contribute to the prevention and reduction of possible criminal behaviour, risk taking, and/or victimization later in life.

For S4 to be successful in your police service, it requires a movement towards a proactive model of policing rooted in early education and intervention with children and youth.  Your police service can start this important work today by contacting the S4 team.  We look forward to talking with you soon!

More About S4

What does it mean to be Strengths Based?

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Understanding Resilience

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