News & Events


Jan 29, 2014

Check out a great Family Activity for Grades 1-2

Success is based on mastery, being able to set goals, and achieve them. The “how to” of the process is very important; it is where opportunities for learning, growing, and improving are present. Success is about achieving personal, family or community goals rather than being better or superior to others.

Bake With Your Child:

Baking has directions that need to be followed. Walk your child through the process of making cookie dough, or muffins. When he/she tastes what he/she made and is able to connect process with results (help him with this) this creates a sense of success. If the cookies or muffins didn’t turn out as you thought, take this opportunity to talk about the effort made and that you will try again. Try the recipe again, as this teaches your child not to give up. This website has recipes specifically for children to make:


This and many more family activites for this age group can be found in our Family Activity Handout – Level 2. For additional Family Activities: please check out the following link under the Family Activities Section: